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Eléphants - PPI
In this edition of "C’est pas du vent", Paul Estève, head of the Small-scale Initiatives Programme (PPI) at the French Committee of the IUCN, explains the programme’s action principles. Since 2006, this FFEM-supported programme has been helping African civil society organisations (CSOs) by financing small-scale projects for biodiversity conservation and combating climate change.

How can we stay as close as possible to the population’s needs while at the same time protecting the biodiversity surrounding them? The show looks at conflicts between humans and wildlife, and the solutions that can be brought to bear. In the course of its six programmes, enabling over 330 projects to be implemented by local organisations, the PPI has repeatedly demonstrated its effectiveness. Sustainability, innovation, a participative approach: Paul Estève explains how, in times of uncertainty or pandemic, local communities successfully deliver these projects.

Our goal is to finance projects to conserve nature, but we aim above all to support and nurture African civil society. That’s why we also help with a wide range of capacity-building initiatives as part of the development process.
Paul Estève – head of the PPI programme at the French Committee of the IUCN