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CCF 1151 - Congo 10 2014_Crédit FFEM Didier Simon (191)
Contributing to the administrative, economic, social and ecological implementation of the REDD+ national strategy of the Central African Republic.

The Central African Republic has a remarkable biological diversity with forests and savannahs covering almost 45% of the territory. 

Despite its handicaps and the lack of international support, the Central African Republic (CAR) is one of the relatively well advanced countries in the elaboration of its strategy, which aims at reducing GHG emissions – caused by deforestation and forest degradation – and at maintaining and increasing carbon stocks (REDD+). 

Its Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP), the result of an extensive public consultation process, was approved by the Participants Committee of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) in October 2011. This strategy aims to fight against deforestation and degradation and promote the restoration of forest ecosystems. The final objective is to contribute to the fight against climate change and provide various other socioeconomic and environmental benefits.


The actions proposed in the context of the project are organized on the basis of four components: 

  • Improve the access and the quality of the basic services provided to residents by local authorities via a participatory diagnostic of the needs of communities, followed by the preparation of municipal development plans. 
  • Sustainably manage the south-west forest area, and thereby secure the  tax income of forest municipalities over the long term, via technical assistance to the Autonomous Support Agency for the Sustainable Management of Forest Resources. 
  • Adapt and implement the national REDD+ strategy at a regional level by developing a baseline scenario and a monitoring system. 
  • Build the capacities of local actors via study, training and communication activities. 
  • On the environmental level: the project directly contributes to the preservation of the environment by combating deforestation and forest degradation. 
  • On the socioeconomic level: the project contributes to the local, social and economic development of the country, by implementing pilot activities in the field which aim to improve living conditions for local communities dependent on forest resources.
  • At national level: it allows CAR to assess the methods for the development of activities in the field, develop the methodological tools required for estimating and monitoring the REDD+ benefits and justify the implementation of REDD+ at national level.
Project start date
Estimated project end date
Project grant date
4 ans
Duration of funding
Financing Tool
6 500 000
Amount of the program
1 500 000
Amount of FFEM funding
In progress
République Centrafricaine
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Institution responsible