In response, the FFEM funds projects that are in line with France’s commitments under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the 2030 conservation targets in the new gloal biodiversity framework. The FFEM contributes to global biodiversity targets by ensuring that local residents participate in the management of natural resources and protected areas so that conservation can be compatible with development.
- Shared and equitable governance of protected area systems
- Outstanding sectors and territories in terms of biodiversity
- Connectivity and ecological restoration
Shared and equitable governance of protected area systems
Outstanding sectors and territories in terms of biodiversity
Connectivity and ecological restoration
A mulitidisciplinary approach
Climate change and biodiversity loss are not separate crises, as they influence each other and have the same causes. Biodiversity is strongly affected by changes in how land and seascapes are used, the exploitation of natural resources, climate change, pollution, and invasive species. This means that to protect biodiversity, conservation efforts must work hand-in-hand and aim to create co-benefits with other environmental issues, particularly relating to climate change and pollution.
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Tropical Forests Report: milestones and new challenges. Towards new guidelines for French players?
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...Performance review of investments made by trust funds for biodiversity conservation
Evaluation of AFD and FFEM contributions to biodiversity conservation trust funds (2005-2019)
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...Tropical Forests Report: milestones and new challenges. Towards new guidelines for French players?
Certified forest management: a new recommendations guide aimed at Central African businesses
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...Biodiversity conservation and enhancement
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...The new brochure presenting intersecting capitalisation in PPI and PPI OSCAN programmes
Over 330 projects have been financed since the launch of the Small-scale Initiatives Programme (PPI)
...Biodiversity at FFEM
Since its creation in 1994, biodiversity has remained one of the FFEM’s priority action areas. Thi