
Biodiversity is one of the three core and original themes of FFEM: more than half of the projects financed since FFEM’s creation have been dedicated to it. We have adapted our biodiversity actions over the years, thanks to innovations, capitalization of experiences, and our quest for constant improvement.


In response, the FFEM funds projects that are in line with France’s commitments under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the 2030 conservation targets in the new gloal biodiversity framework. The FFEM contributes to global biodiversity targets by ensuring that local residents participate in the management of natural resources and protected areas so that conservation can be compatible with development.
Chercheur Mozambique Africa
© PPI, Films au clair de lune

Shared and equitable governance of protected area systems

Singe_Bassin Congo © Franck RIBAS-BRLi

Shared and equitable governance of protected area systems

Protected areas help preserve biodiversity and provide essential ecosystem services. However, examining the current state of conservation efforts shows that much remains to be done since the Aichi Targets have not been met. This is because there are significant gaps in ecological connectivity and little data on whether protected areas are managed effectively. Today, only 7% of the world’s protected areas are both protected and connected, and nearly 25% are inadequately or poorly managed.

To overcome this challenge, the FFEM encourages the creation and long-term viability of terrestrial and marine protected areas that benefit local communities while ensuring that conservation measures do not harm those who depend on the area’s natural resources.

Outstanding sectors and territories in terms of biodiversity


Outstanding sectors and territories in terms of biodiversity

Biodiversity can be protected while simultaneously contributing to local, equitable and sustainable development. It can produce co-benefits for economic and social development, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and human health.

The FFEM promotes innovative approaches by local stakeholders to protect biodiversity in their territory and in specific sectors. We encourage approaches that are strongly committed to biodiversity-based sustainable development grounded in the sustainable and equitable use of natural resources while simultaneously promoting local expertise.

Connectivity and ecological restoration

Mer d'Emeraude © Ismael MOUNIBOU & Nicolas MARTIN

Connectivity and ecological restoration

Most biodiversity loss is caused by the degradation and fragmentation of natural ecosystems. Ecological corridors and protected area networks allow species to move around and adapt to the changing climate.

Ecological restoration of degraded, damaged or destroyed ecosystems helps restore essential ecosystem functions and improves connectivity. It is also an effective way to prevent invasive species that are more likely to colonise degraded natural habitats.

The FFEM encourages approaches that promote ecological connectivity between natural protected areas and restore degraded sites that are important to connectivity.

PPI Cameroun

Small-Scale initiatives Programme (PPI's)

The FFEM and PPIs summarised:

  • 15 years supporting African civil society (2006 - 2021).
  • Almost €20 million in subsidies, of which 60% paid directly to CSOs.
  • 331 financed projects led by 262 CSOs in 32 African countries.
Biodiversity projects
€215 M
committed to biodiversity

A mulitidisciplinary approach

Climate change and biodiversity loss are not separate crises, as they influence each other and have the same causes. Biodiversity is strongly affected by changes in how land and seascapes are used, the exploitation of natural resources, climate change, pollution, and invasive species. This means that to protect biodiversity, conservation efforts must work hand-in-hand and aim to create co-benefits with other environmental issues, particularly relating to climate change and pollution.

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This map is illustrative and does not list all the projects funded by FFEM.
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best practices

Certified forest management: a new recommendations guide aimed at Central African businesses

This guide on sustainable management and recommendations regarding certification is a summary of kno

Feb 2014
best practices

Tropical Forests Report: milestones and new challenges. Towards new guidelines for French players?

The report is the 3rd from the National Tropical Forests Working Group after those issued in 2003 an...
Jun 2012

The new brochure presenting intersecting capitalisation in PPI and PPI OSCAN programmes

Over 330 projects have been financed since the launch of the Small-scale Initiatives Programme (PPI)

Aug 2021

Capitalization Report – 2016 Small-Scale Initiatives Program Forum

This report in french version capitalizes on exchanges between participants at the PPI 2016 FORUM or

Dec 2016

Executive Summary - Capitalization on 10 years of experience of the Small-Scale Initiatives Program

This 80-page report presents the 10 years of action of the Small-Scale Initiatives Program financed

Sep 2016

Burkina Faso: contributions of local NGOs in the conservation of natural resources

The capitalisation report was issued after the forum of local environmental protection NGOs held in ...
Jul 2014
strategic document

Tropical Forests Report: milestones and new challenges. Towards new guidelines for French players?

The report is the 3rd from the National Tropical Forests Working Group after those issued in 2003 an...
Jun 2012

Association between temporal patterns in helminth assemblages and successful range expansion of exotic Mus musculus domesticus in Senegal

This study investigated whether gastrointestinal helminth (GIH) assemblages changed over time in nat

Jun 2020

Do forest-management plans and FSC certification reduce deforestation in the congo basin?

To allow for the production of timber while preserving conservation values, forestry regulations in

Apr 2019

Performance review of investments made by trust funds for biodiversity conservation

This is the third in a series of assessment reports on the performance of conservation trust funds f...
Jan 2011

Evaluation overview The “Sustainable Small Islands Initiative” SMILO project

The “Sustainable Small Islands initiative” has the goal of responding to the need for support an

Apr 2024

Evaluation of AFD and FFEM contributions to biodiversity conservation trust funds (2005-2019)

Among the eight CTFs supported by AFD and  FFEM since 2005 and which are the subject of  t

Mar 2024

Evaluation summary Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) Horizon 2026:Amplifying sustainable funding for conservation

Founded in 2002, the Conservation Finance Alliance is a unique collaborative and global network of c

Jan 2024

Tropical Forests Report: milestones and new challenges. Towards new guidelines for French players?

The report is the 3rd from the National Tropical Forests Working Group after those issued in 2003 an...
Jun 2012
methodological guide

Certified forest management: a new recommendations guide aimed at Central African businesses

This guide on sustainable management and recommendations regarding certification is a summary of kno

Feb 2014

Biodiversity conservation and enhancement

Human activities have significantly altered both terrestrial (75%) and marine (66%) surfaces, endang

Oct 2023

The BRIDGE Project Brochure

The BRIDGE Project seeks to promote strategic alliances between the private sector and CTFs that are

Nov 2022

The new brochure presenting intersecting capitalisation in PPI and PPI OSCAN programmes

Over 330 projects have been financed since the launch of the Small-scale Initiatives Programme (PPI)

Aug 2021

Biodiversity at FFEM

Since its creation in 1994, biodiversity has remained one of the FFEM’s priority action areas. Thi

May 2021
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