FFEM places innovation at the center of its action. The scientific community has demonstrated that the environmental crisis results from our lifestyles. In order to change this, however, we first must be able to offer alternatives. That is where the FFEM comes in, supporting innovative projects, testing sustainable solutions and opening the way to in-depth transformations.
Beyond seeking environmental impact, FFEM supported innovations also serve the socio-economic development and well-being of local populations. Offering convincing alternative solutions is the key to their durability, their potential scaling-up and, ultimately, their real environmental impact.
These innovations may be organisational, economic, methodological or technical. A single project may embody several solutions in order to better address the complex issues of their particular territories and societies.
For FFEM, the innovative nature of a project can be assessed only in the light of specific analysis of the project and/or of the territory, according to the given context in geographical, socio-economic, political, institutional, and ecological terms, and the innovative way in which the project intends to trigger the change to benefit the environment and sustainable development.