Among the eight CTFs supported by AFD and FFEM since 2005 and which are the subject of this study, three are regional, the first covering three Central African countries (FTNS), a second focusing on Mediterranean Maritime Protected Areas (The MedFund) and a third focusing on the Mesoamerican reef in Central America (MARFund). Three CTFs focus exclusively on marine and coastal conservation (MARFund, The MedFund, BACoMaB), and the others focus on terrestrial PAs or both (FAPBM, BioGuiné, BIOFund, FPRCI). Two CTFs are very recent or under development (The MedFund and BioGuiné) and could not be analyzed at the same levels as the others. By the end of 2019, the 8 CTFs had capitalized nearly €250 million in endowment funds.
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