
  • -Tout-
  • Energy transition and resilient cities
  • Sustainable forests and agricultural lands
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate change
  • Product life cycle, pollution and waste
  • Aquatic ecosystems
  • Innovative financing of biodiversity
  • Coastal and high seas management
  • Innovative processes
  • Biodiversity protection and enhancement
  • Sustainable urban territories

COMBATTING DESERTIFICATION: FFEM’s actions through concrete examples

Troupeau de berger Sahel AVSF 2011
On the occasion of the Desertification COP taking place from December 2 to 13, let’s revisit the FFEM’s efforts to combat this threat to ecosystems and communities in arid regions. The French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) mobilizes innovative solutions through collaborative projects to preserve soils, support populations, and restore ecosystems.
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« Our Future Forests: Vital Reserves in the Amazon » : an ambitious commitment to Indigenous peoples and local communities

Réserves vitales amazonie
On August 9th, for International Day of the World4s Indigenous Peoples, the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) Highlights a project supported by the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, in partnership with the NGO Conservation International. The project aims to ensure the long-term preservation of the Amazon rainforest, vital for global climate stability and the livelihoods of Indigenous peoples and local communities.
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Innovation at the heart of solutions to reconcile forest and humanity

Homme et Forêt
First reservoir of terrestrial biodiversity, forests are, along with land, a formidable lever for climate regulation. Deforestation from agriculture causes nearly a quarter of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and an accelerated loss of biodiversity. The FFEM addresses together the forest and agricultural territories, intimately linked. For 30 years, the FFEM has supported innovative solutions with 105 projects financed on forests and agricultural land and an amount of €144 million committed.
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FFEM has published new information brochures on its themed action areas

In january 2023, the FFEM published its new strategy 2023-2026 and defined its new priority themes for the environment and development. FFEM has since published five brochures showcasing its various areas of intervention in each of these domains along with its current flagship projects.
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The FFEM and its partners are committed to preserving indigenous territories in the Amazon region

Brésil_TerrIndigena_Assembleia APITIKATXI 2019 © Mário Vilela
The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, celebrated annually on 9 August, provides an important opportunity to highlight the challenges facing these communities all over the world. With an estimated population of between 370 and 500 million, indigenous peoples make up over half of the world’s cultural diversity and play a crucial role in ecosystem preservation, particularly in the Amazon region.
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